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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Miles Davis Quotes

“I’ll play it first and tell you what it is afterwards.”

“We’re not going to play the blues anymore. Let the white folks play the blues. They got ‘em, so they can keep ‘em.”

“I don’t care if a dude is purple with green breath as long as he can swing.”

“A legend is an old man with a cane known for what he used to do. I’m stil doing it.”

“When you’re creating your own shit, man, even the sky ain’t the limit.”

“If they act too hip, you know they can’t play shit.”

“I never thought that the music called “jazz” was ever meant to reach just a small group of people, or become a museum thing locked under glass like all the other dead things that were once considered artistic.”

“Don’t play what’s there, play what’s not there.”

“Coltrane, you cant play everything at once!”

“Always look ahead, but never look back.”

“At least one day out of the year all musicans should just put their instruments down, and give thanks too Duke Ellington.”

“Jazz is the big brother of Revolution. Revolution follows it around.”

"For me, music and life are all about style. "

"I know what I've done for music, but don't call me a legend. Just call me Miles Davis."

"If you understood everything I say, you'd be me!"

"It's always been a gift with me, hearing music the way I do. I don't know where it comes from, it's just there and I don't question it."

"Sometimes you have to play a long time to be able to play like yourself. "

"The thing to judge in any jazz artist is, does the man project and does he have ideas."

"You can dominate a game if you dominate on the line... We're just going to have to go out there and work hard and blow people off the ball, and let our runners do what they do best."

“I was minding my own business when something says to me, "you ought to blow trumpet." I have just been trying ever since.”

“I learned so much from my cousin (Alexander). I think he did things the right way. That's how he made it to the NFL, ... But the biggest thing I got from him was working hard and doing what ever you can to help the team.”

“The judges will award points based on the creative use of materials and related themes - it is amazing how the teams engineer and construct machines in so many different and imaginative ways to perform the same task.”

“The teams had to use 20 or more steps, but all of them used many more than that. It is fun and exciting, but most people don't realize how much work goes into building a Rube Goldberg machine.”

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